Nutrition Facts and Healthy Informations

Alcohol Has No Nutritional Value

Alcohol has no nutritional value, and very limited in its activities as an agent to remedy the situation. Dr. Henry Monroe says, "any substance used by man as food consists of sugar, starch, oil and glutinous matter mingled together in various proportions. They are designed to support the animal frame. Adhesive principles of food fibrine, and casein proteins are used to create structures as oil, starch and sugar is mainly used to generate heat in the body. "

It is now clear that if alcohol is a food, it will be found to contain one or more of these substances. There should be no nitrogen in it elements that are mainly found in meat, eggs, milk, vegetables and seeds from which the animal tissue is built and repaired or waste carbonaceous elements found in fat, starch and sugar, in which the consumption of heat and force of evolution .

"The certainty of these food groups," says Dr. Hunt, "and their relationship to the production of fabrics and heat developing human abilities, and so defined is confirmed by experiments on animals and the collector of scientific testing, physiological and clinical experience, who did not attempt to abandon from the top of the classification. To draw so straight a line of demarcation as to limit a full production of tissues or cells, and the other heat and power production by conventional combustion, and to deny any power of interchangeability under special demands or on the background of a defective supply of one kind, in fact, inconsistent . It is not in the least invalidate the fact that we can use them as guidelines established. "

As these substances are taken into the body to digest, and how they create a force of well-known chemist and physiologist, who may, in light of the well-established laws, to determine whether alcohol or have no food value. For many years, capable people in the medical profession have given the matter most careful study of alcohol and subjected to every known test and experiment, with the result that it was, by common consent, excluded from the class of tissue building products. "We have never," says Dr. Hunt, "seen, but one suggested that he may so act, and this assumption is messy. One writer (Hammond) thinks it's possible that he could" somehow "get into Combined with the decay products of tissue, and "under certain conditions, can give their nitrogen in the construction of new tissues. There is no parallel in organic chemistry, no evidence in animal chemistry, can be found to surround this guess with the areola of possible hypotheses. "

Dr. Richardson says: "Alcohol does not contain nitrogen, it has none of the qualities of the structure of potential products, it is not able to be transformed into any one of them is, therefore, not the food, in a sense of its being constructive agent in building the body ". Dr. Carpenter says the bill of lading: "Alcohol can not provide all that is essential for true tissue nutrition." Dr. Liebig says: "Beer, wine, spirits, etc., furnish no element capable of entering into the blood, muscle fibers, or any part thereof, which is home to the principle of life." Dr. Hammond, in his lectures Tribune in which he advocated the use of alcohol in some cases, says: "It's not provable that alcohol undergoes conversion into tissue." Cameron, in his Manuel of Hygiene, says: "There is nothing in alcohol with which any body part can be supplied." Dr. E. Smith, FRS, says: "Alcohol is not a true food This prevents the food.". Dr. T.K. House says: "It is clear that we must stop treating alcohol as in any sense, food."

"Not detecting in this substance," says Dr. Hunt, "any tissue-making ingredients, or in any combination of acceleration, for example, we can trace the cell products of any evidence of any experience or physiological tests alimentarians, it is not surprising that in it we should find no duration, no realization of constructive power. "

Finding nothing in alcohol, from which the body can be built or wastes are delivered, the next to be considered as its heat-producing quality.

The production of heat.

"The first challenge for conventional forces producing food," says Dr. Hunt, "and what the other products in this class are responsible, is the production of heat in a combination of oxygen with them. This means that heat is the life force, and, to a large extent , a measure of the relative value of so-called respiratory products. If we look at the fats, starches and sugars, we can trace and evaluate the processes by which they evolve heat and turn into a life force, and can weigh the capacities of different foods. We believe that the consumption of carbon union with oxygen is the law, that heat is a product, and that the legitimate result of force, while the result of combining hydrogen with oxygen, water products. If alcohol comes at all in this class of products, we can expect to find some evidence that is attached to the hydrocarbons. "

What is the result of experiments in this direction? They have been held longer periods and with the greatest care, the men of the highest achievements in the field of chemistry and physiology, and the result is given in these few words, Dr. HR Wood, Jr., in his Materia Medica. "No one could detect in the blood of any of the ordinary results of its oxidation." That is, no one could find that alcohol has undergone combustion, like fat, or starch or sugar, and therefore the heat in the body.

Alcohol and the decrease in temperature.

rather than increase it, and it was even used in a fever, a fever. Thus, the single was the testimony of doctors in Europe and America as the cooling effects of alcohol, that Dr. Wood says, in his Materia Medica ", it seems, do not take place in the debate on this subject." Liebermeister, one of the most learned contribution to the encyclopedia Zeimssen of Medicine, 1875, said: "I have been convinced by direct experiments, that alcohol, even in relatively large doses, does not raise the body temperature either good or ill." It was a good this became known in the Arctic travelers, even before physiologists have shown that alcohol decreases and increases body temperature, they found that the spirits of reducing their power to withstand extreme cold. "In the northern regions," says Edward Smith, "it was proved that all the exceptions of spirits was necessary in order to keep warm in these adverse conditions."

Alcohol does not make you strong.

If alcohol does not contain tissue building materials, or provide heat to the body, it may not add to its strength. "Every kind of power an animal can generate," says Dr. G. Budd, FRS, "the mechanical energy of muscle, chemical (or digestive) power of the stomach, the intellectual power of the brain accumulates through the food authority on which it depends." Dr. FR Lees, of Edinburgh, after discussing the issue, and growing evidence, says: "From the very nature of things, it will now be considered as it is impossible that alcohol can be strengthening food of any kind Since he can not become a part of it. body, he can not, therefore, make it a cohesive, organic strength, or the installed capacity, and, as it leaves the body, just as he entered the house, he can not, its decomposition, generate heat force. "

Sir Benjamin Brodie says: "Stimulants do not create nervous power, they simply allow, as it were, to use what was left, and then they leave you need more rest than before."

Baron Liebig, so far back as 1843, in his "Animal Chemistry," pointed out the fallacy of alcohol generating capacity. He says: "The appeal will be accelerated by the force for voluntary movement, but without producing more mechanical strength." In his later "Letters," he says again: "Wine is quite superfluous to man, he is constantly followed by spending power," while the real function of food, to give power. He adds: "These drinks promote the change of substance in the body, and, therefore, which was attended by the loss of internal power, which ceases to be productive, because it does not work in overcoming the difficulties, that is external to the work." In other words, this great chemist asserts that alcohol abstracts the power system from doing useful work in the field or workshop, in order to cleanse the house from the defilement of alcohol itself.

The late Dr. W. Brinton, Physician of St. Thomas, in his great work on Dietetics, says: "Careful observation leaves no doubt that a moderate dose of beer or wine will be in most cases, immediately reduce the maximum weight that a healthy person could lift. Mental acuteness, accuracy of perception and delicacy of feeling all so far against alcohol, and that the best efforts of each are incompatible with the admission of any moderate quantity of liquid fermentation. one glass is often enough to take the edge off both mind and body, as well as reduce their the ability to something below their perfection of work. "

Dr. F.R. Fox, FSA, writing on topics of alcohol, food, makes the following quotation from an essay on "Stimulating Drinks," published by Dr. HR Madden, as long as 1847: "Alcohol is not a natural incentive for any of our organs, and, therefore, functions performed by its use, as a rule, weaken the authorities to take appropriate action.

Alcohol is unable to assimilate or converted into any organic principle of the closest, and therefore can not be considered nutritious.

The strength experienced after drinking alcohol is not a new force is added to the system, but there is a call to exercise the nervous energy that already exist.

The ultimate exhausting effects of alcohol, due to its stimulant properties, produce an unnatural susceptibility to morbid action in all organs, and this, with lots of superinduced, becomes a fruitful source of disease.

The man who usually shows itself to such an extent as to require the daily use of stimulants, to prevent exhaustion, can be compared with the machine working under high pressure. It will be much more unpleasant about the causes of disease, and, of course, break down sooner than he would have done under more favorable circumstances.

The more often resort to alcohol to overcome feelings of weakness, the more it will be necessary, and the constant repetition period length is achieved when it may not be in advance, if the reaction time due to temporary total lifestyle change.

Driven to the wall.

Not finding that alcohol possesses any direct value of food, medical advocates of its use have been expelled from the assumption that this kind of secondary food, in that he has the right to delay the metamorphosis of tissue. "By the metamorphosis of tissue is," says Dr. Hunt, "that change which is constantly going on in the system, which includes the decay constant of the material, splitting, and avoid what is not child support, to make room for the new proposals, which have to maintenance of life. "Other medical writer, referring to this metamorphosis, says:" The importance of this process for the maintenance of life is easy to show the harmful consequences that follow if the breach discharge excrementitious substances be in any way interfere with or suspended., these substances accumulate either in blood or tissues, or both. As a result, the preservation and accumulation they become poisonous, and rapidly produce disorders of vital functions. Their influence is mainly on the nervous system, through which they make most often irritability, disturbance of special senses, delirium , insensibility, coma, and finally, death. "

"This description," says Dr. Hunt, "seems almost intended for alcohol." Then he says: "To qualify for the alcohol as a food because it delays metamorphosis of tissue, to argue that it is in some way suspends the normal behavior of the laws of assimilation and nutrition, waste, and repair of the leading figures of alcohol (. Hammond), thus illustrates the this: ".. Alcohol slows down the destruction of the tissues to this destruction, force is created, muscles contract, thoughts are developed, organs secrete and excrete "In other words, alcohol interferes with all of it. Not surprisingly, the author of" not clear "how he does it, and we are not clear as such a delay is reduced metamorphosis.

Not the creator of the life force.

Who does not know that any of the usual power of foods, and use it on a double assumption that it delays metamorphosis of tissue, and that such delay is conservative of health, must go beyond the boundaries of science into the land of opportunity and give the name of the remote control on the agent, Agency itself is questionable.

Having failed to identify alcohol as a nitrogenous or nitrogenous food, not finding him amenable to any evidence that the food because alimony is generally measured, it will not do for us to talk about the delay of regressive metamorphosis of benefit, if this process is accompanied something demonstrative of the fact that something scientifically descriptive of its mode of achievement, in this case, and if it does not show that it is desirable to supply almost.

There can be no doubt that alcohol does cause defects in the process of elimination which are natural for a healthy body, and that even in sickness, often conservative of health.


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