Nutrition Facts and Healthy Informations

The Benefits Of Being Vegetarian

For the reasons of healthy, beauty, and reduce global warming, making some person ultimately avoid to consume foods was produced from animal. Such a person is usually called a vegetarian. But did you know that there are several types of vegetarian based on what they consume? What are the benefits and difficulties to be vegetarian?

Benefits of Being Vegetarian

The benefits of a vegetarian is primarily for health. These benefits include:
- Useful for your health. As is known, vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber helps the digestive tract health and make you well every day. Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants that can prevent cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
- Increase the beauty, ageless skin by consuming natural foods. Vegetables and fruits can make the body look slimmer.
- Help reduce global warming is disturbing the earth's population. Livestock industry to be one cause of global warming on Earth and also contributed a fair amount of pollution, especially air pollution. In addition to warming and pollution generated in the industry, pollution is also generated from the process of making food from animals.

Difficulty Being Vegetarian

In addition to the benefits, there was also a felt unable to try vegetarianism. Causes that may be experienced:
- Too like meat, making it very difficult if you have to leave for the taste of meat remedy forever
- By becoming a vegetarian will find it difficult if you have to eat outside because it was difficult to find vegetarian food on the market.

Types of Vegetarian

After seeing some of the benefits and difficulties encountered, you may interesting to become a vegetarian too. Vegetarian does not mean people who only eat vegetables, but vegetarian is divided into several types. Each type has its own rules. Vegetarian type consisting of:
1. Vegan
Not consume all that good meat red meat, poultry or fish meat. Vegans do not consume animal products processed from a case of eggs, milk, or cheese.
2. Lacto Vegetarian
Not consume any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish meat) and eggs. But continue to consume milk.
3. Lacto ovo vegetarian
Not consume any type of meat but allowed to eat eggs or dairy.
4. Pesca Vegetarian
Do not eat red meat or poultry but allowed to keep taking the eggs, milk and meat.
5. Flexitarian
A level that many make allowances for this kind can still eat meat and dairy products at all times.
6. Frutarian
Only eat fruit, seeds and nuts are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin care and make the young.
7. Raw Foodist
Consume only raw foods, because the cooking process is considered to damage the natural things that exist.

The decision to become vegetarian or not is your own decision you can think of to consider the benefits and difficulties.


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