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Foot Care For Beautiful and Healthy Foot

Foot Care For Beautiful and Healthy Foot
Usually the legs into a forgotten part of the body to be treated. Perhaps, it is located on the bottom and not visible, feet are considered not worth noting. In fact, our daily activities rely on the foot to move from one place to another. If not treated, the foot may have problems that will hinder you perform the activity, destroying the beauty and lower self-esteem. How to make your legs beautiful and healthy?

Foot Problems

Lack of attention to foot, the supporting body, will cause problems that would interfere. Some of the problems that often occur in the feet, among others:
1. Dry Skin
Being in the room air conditioner and in the sun are some of the factors causing the foot to be dry. Plus, the foot is part of the body with few oil glands.
2. Calluses
A thickening of the skin of the foot. Usually happens because of wear due to rubbing against the shoe or a hard area for a long time.
3. Mushrooms
Redness and itching is a sign that the fungus-infected feet.
4. Foot Odor
You may feel embarrassed if the current open shoes or socks that do not smell of foot odor. This is because the amount of sweat produced by the foot. Plus feet covered by shoes so bacteria can grow rapidly. A mix of sweat and bacteria that cause odor is not pleasant on the feet.


So that these problems are not your natural foot care must be done. Foot care is not complicated and you can do easily at home. Care for beautiful and healthy feet consists of several steps as follows:
1. Soak
Prepare a bowl of warm water plus a disinfectant solution or bath salts. Antiseptic will prevent bacteria from growing. Soak feet in warm water can be a way to relax at the same time to keep your feet healthy.
2. Rub
By using a special brush, scrub the entire foot. Brushing your feet aimed at lifting the dirt and dead skin cells so that the legs look even brighter and the foot can breathe freely.
3. Scrubbing
Do the scrub to the feet can be done by using a pumice stone, a lemon or a tool that resembles pumice abrasive. This will help avoid foot calluses.
4. Drain
Drying feet carefully done, including on the sidelines of the foot. Do not let your foot in a moist state will become a favorite place for development of the fungus.
5. Use cream
You can use some cream for a healthy foot. To get rid of dry feet, use a moisturizer on your feet. If there are special problems in the feet, such as calluses or mildew, use a special cream to cure it. You can also use a special cream to lift the cuticle to be easily removed. Use a moisturizing cream or lotion, massaging the feet in order to work optimally. It also will make your feet smooth.
6. Cut Nails
Do not forget the nails when caring for the feet. Nail scissors to make it look neat and use a file to smooth nail edges. If you want to look beautiful, can apply nail polish with your favorite colors.

Feet need attention and care. By treating the foot, now you can stepped your beautiful feet by elegant, clean and healthy.


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