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Perfect Legs Without Varicose

Perfect Legs Without Varicose
Varicose veins is one of the enemies of women. Especially, for women who often use in sort skirts or shorts, it would undermine confidence. Besides damaging the appearance, varicose veins also cause disturbing symptoms. How to prevent and cure solutions for varicose veins?

Varicose veins occur when valves are leaking blood vessels. The cause of valve leaking blood vessels due to genetic predisposition or a person's weight is too heavy, or any other cause when a woman is pregnant and her belly began to swell. Another cause standing in a long time. When these valves fail, causing the veins swollen and become varicose veins.

Varicose veins occured because of the dilation and lack of elasticity in the veins. Dilation of blood vessels is usually caused by abnormalities in heart valve so bloods can’t flow to the heart and consequently accumulate in the blood vessels and form a bulge.Blood vessels stand out is what appears in the usual varicose veins in the calf even though it can appear anywhere. For example, in the anus can also cause hemorrhoids.

Causes of Varicose veins

Most of the causes of varicose veins due to heredity or genetic factors. Heredity is the wall of blood vessels and valves are not perfect. Genetic factors are somewhat difficult to cure. There is a hormone in women can also cause varicose veins, that is why most of the varicose veins cases suffered by women. Pregnant women, the risk is increasing rapidly due to the addition of hormone at that time. Female hormones may also be triggered by ingestion of oral contraceptives.

Not only of genes, the other thing that causes varicose veins among other habits, lifestyle and daily activities can cause varicose veins. Overweight, standing too long, less exercise and smoking can trigger varies.Besides disturbing appearance, varicose veins also cause discomfort. For example, fatigue, feeling heavy, pain, and in some cases can cause cramps at night.

Prevent Varicose veins

If you have varicose veins or have the family descendants who suffer from varicose veins, you can following ways to prevent varicose veins and reduce varicose veins due to complaints:
1. Keep your weight remains ideal
Over weight can make a heavy weight-bearing leg so the risk of developing varicose veins.
2. Do not stand up and sit too long
Standing for too long can cause dilation of blood vessels. Likewise if you sit too long, should be punctuated by foot.3. Use socks
If you have the genes that cause varicose veins, you should use elastic socks, if possible, wear long socks that reach the knee. Required the use of socks, especially when located at an altitude such as a walk in the mountains or on a plane.
4. Avoid too-tight underwear
Clothes that are too tight can inhibit blood circulation to the heart.
5. Perform an appropriate exercise
Moderate exercise such as walking, jogging or bicycling can strengthen the walls of veins and blood circulation. Meanwhile, sports that cause a sudden muscle contraction and weight as weight lifting should be avoided.
6. Consumption of vitamin C
Vitamin C is very beneficial to strengthen blood vessel walls, it is sufficient to prevent the consumption of blood vessel dilation.
7. Put your feet higher during sleep
So that blood can more smoothly to the heart, can put your feet while sleeping on pillows or attached to the wall with a position higher than his head. This is particularly possible if there has been a swelling of blood vessels are prominent.

Treating Varicose

Treatment of varicose veins and healing techniques there are several kinds. For example the following ways:
•  Taking supplements to strengthen blood vessel walls and the elasticity.
•  Use elastic stockings to the thigh that can help suppress the veins.
•  Sclerotherapy is injecting a kind of saline solution into the blood vessel dilation.
• Endovenous Laser Therapy is treating varicose veins by inserting a wire into a blood vessel. Wire is inserted from the knee to the groin and then made warming.
•  Surgery is usually done for the case that it is severe.

Varicose veins are a problem for women because the majority of cases happen to a woman. But, that does not mean it can not be prevented, even if varicose veins are caused by heredity. With the consumption of good food and the right lifestyle, you can prevent varicose veins appear on your body.


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